Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brain Damage

Have you ever associated anything to someone?
It could be anything, music, movies, books, television, anything to anyone.
Someone you love, hate, friends, family, partner etc.
Has it ever come to a point where no matter what you'll do it'll remind of this person?
I heard not to long ago how negativity really doesn't make you look past a certain
limit. because of this; 'Good things don't last forever'.
If you really beging to think of this, Process it and Analys it. Its every true.
You as a person hold the key to making this a positive or negative outcome.
Just because something doesn't "last forever" doesn't mean that it will be forgotten.
Now let me get back to this association to things.
I can say i've had my share of "not forever" moments.
To be in a relationship with anyone and I'm not just saying in the oppisite sex.
Friends, Family & the opposite sex is work.
To try to make it a healthy one that can with stand time. Its hard.
While this has happened I've gathered all this different associations.
Music mainly gets me a odd mood depending on the song and the person its going back to.
With that said, I don't regret ever linking one of my favorite bands to this person.
Damn! It hasn't failed me yet to make that association.
It comes at me like a scene of a movie.
While I sit there listening to the song passionately in the mood. My mind begins to draw out his form.
A glimps of light hits his face and I can make out his eyes looking at me while he sat there driving on the freeway. The details pour like endless water....
As all the pieces of the puzzle have come together i find it that the association has become a bad one.
Now all that "not forever" moment has a negative outcome vs. seeing it as a positive one.
We all expierence events in our lives that will "break us or make us".
This moment defenitly made me.

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